Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 20

Yesterday was probably my hardest day yet. Morning went as planned but in the afternoon my chief (I am a fire department intern) took all of us out for lunch. We ended up going to a Chinese buffet and can't get anything without gobs of soy sauce on it. I tried my best and had a bunch of beef and broccoli and a ton of other veggie meat combos. That night we had a meeting at a BBQ place. Fortunately for me my paleo buddy was there do that made life easy. We both fairly well stayed on track except for the BBQ sauce.

This morning I weighed in at 318.0 which is a loss of .2lbs. An improvement is an improvement but it could have been much more if it wasn't for the shit food.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 19

Down another 1.4lbs to 318.2! This is really starting to get fun lol

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 18

I am down another 1.5lbs to 319.6! Life is still good. I only have a few days of school left and until I get my personal trainer.

My cravings and what not is getting less and less. I had to cook a pasta bake (one of my favorites) yesterday will garlic bread and salad. I was in the corner happily eating my hamburger and knowing that I am on my way to something great!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day thirteen

So it has been a little while since I have update. Things are still going fairly well. Had a bit of a problem sticking to the plan while the family was in town due to trying to feed a whole family but everything is good and back on track. I am now down to 321lbs and still seeing decent body transformations. I will definitely post a picture tomorrow.

I am starting to run into a wall eating eggs every morning and need to start switching it up a bit some how. Besides that I am loving it. I have learned to cook extra so I can have a good meal for lunch the next day that I just need to reheat. I feel amazing everyday and become more and more full feeling as they days go by.

Live life//Love Life

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Four

This whole thing is getting easier and easier. I become less and less hungry as the days go by and feel amazing. I know I said I would only weigh myself once a week but I am starting to see changes and became curious. This morning I weighed in at 322.0 which is awesome. I cannot wait until this summer when I will have a my personal trainer and can move this thing into high gear, but it is probably for the best to introduce it a little later. Right now all I have been doing is walking a few miles every night.

I was asked to redo the brick retaining wall in my backyard this summer and am excited to do it because it is a paleo-ish exercise. Between that and the personal trainer I am hopeful for some big changes. I really want to be able to join in on races and the CrossFit club on campus next semester.

I am going to try and remember to take a picture later tonight but I have a fire and the family is coming into town so we will see if I remember.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day three

I am starting to reap the benefits of paleo. I woke up this morning feeling full and satisfied (then ate anyways), and just over all feel great.

Had my usual eggs and bacon for breakfast and then leftovers from Easter dinner for lunch.

I've decided that I will weigh myself only weekly on Saturdays to keep things consistent. Hopefully I will start to see some changes take place soon but am pretty content with feeling great.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day two

So I know that you are not supposed to weigh yourself daily because it leads to dissatisfaction, but I love it with paleo. Even if it is just a portion of a pound, I usually lose something everyday. This morning I weighed in at 323.4!

Last night I decided to go for w decent length walk to get some fresh air and burn some calories. I don't have much time as a college student to go to the gym so I figured every little bit helps.

I ended up getting hungry last night and almost forgot that you don't have to starve yourself on paleo! I ended up eating a little bit of turkey left over from dinner and an apple and was completely full.

I woke up this morning on day two completely full! I love the feeling!

Well I am going to enjoy my breakfast.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A new beginning

So, I had fallen off the wagon but decided to get right back on. As of yesterday I am 324.8 lbs and not the least bit happy with it. So the only logical thing to do is to stop bitching and do something about it. I have been reading paleo success stories on to keep me motivated. I also have a paleo buddy which will help immensely.

Today my paleo buddy and I cooked a paleo easter dinne. We had roasted turkey, cauliflower "mashed potatoes", asparagus, deviled eggs and apple banana cookies. It came out amazing!

So here I go again. I am hoping for a more successful go around this time. I will be going home for the summer from college which should help with my efforts immensely. My family is following a paleo-ish, except they cannot eat pork. Also I will have a personal trainer three times a week. I just have to get through these final 4 weeks of college!